sábado, 23 de octubre de 2010

Selectividad Compositions 2010-2011

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Cristina A. Sánchez 2ºC dijo...
Title: Pets in city flats?

Some people argue that pets can look after yout home or can keep you company. People enjoy looking at the pets that are cute and attractive; they're another way to decorate the house.

But I would argue that animals need their own habitat, space, wildlife etc. Animals have to interact with their own species. They need to be able to follow their instincts for example to hunt and look after themselves and their oftspring. Pets need space to walk freely and people put leads on them in order to control them.

Furtheremore, animals can survive without humans because they have been doing for millions of years before mankind existed.

Moreover, animals can adapt more easily, than humans to different areas.

In conclusion, pets need to be move freely and not depend on humans to survive and they've to have their own lives.
4 de diciembre de 2010 01:11

Anónimo dijo...

Cristina A. Sánchez 2ºC dijo...
Title: What things keep you awake and why do they worry you?

Why should I have there be things that keep me awake? This is the question. I'm a quiet person and I haven`t got reasons for not sleeping.However, when I was a responsible person I couldn´t stand going to sleep with my homework incompleted or if I was angry with a friend or with my boyfriend.

Whenever I can, I sleep all that I can, because I do a lot of things every day and I need to lie. I haven't got time to think in things that keep me awake and if I have to think about anything, I do it on the underground or on the bus. In the meantime, people are worried about things that they cannot solve and cannot be done. For this reason, they feel more tired and worse, they waste their time in useless efforts.
26 de enero de 2011 21:35

Anónimo dijo...

Which period of history would you choose to live in?

If I would have to choose a historical period to live in I would have chosen to be born in the United States in the 50´s so I would have enjoyed all the sixties and seventies.
The reasons that make me decide for that part of history are diverse: the political conscience and the fight for rights and new values was in its highest peak by those years. I could have seen Marthin Luther King giving its famous speech, Kennedy and the most important thing: I could have been a truth hippy. Those years young people were really fighting for their rights and for the rights of others such as Vietnam population or soldiers.
In Paris the students started a revolution which tried to change a little bit the Western world and the had to be fantastic to live. The other big reason is the music, in those times you could see Jimmy Hendrix, the Beatles, the young Rolling Stones, the Who or Janis Joplin, most of them now disappeared.
For these reasons I would love to have lived in the 60´s.

Ignacio Blas 2º Bachillerato
17 de febrero de 2011 21:03

Araceli Fernández Lázaro dijo...


I think everybody has bought something that they don´t really need or that they don´t really want just because they think it´s cheap or because they are whimsical.
I usually do it. I love clothes so I go shopping very often and I buy more and more things knowing that I shouldn´t do it because I haven´t got space in my bedroom and that I needn´t have to have fifty t-shirts althought they were very cheap, for example.
I also think that it´s is a problem of our society and our education. But we should try to change our minds and get concerned with other poor people in the world because the biggest problem isn´t that there are not enough resources for everybody, the real problem is that these resources aren´t shared correctly.