martes, 10 de septiembre de 2013

Selectividad Compositions 2013-2014

10 comentarios:

Paula Ortega López dijo...


Hunger in the underdeveloped countries is a currently worldwide problem. There are many NGO's that try to help these areas not only with food, but even with medical resources. However, this help hasn't been so successful as the experts expect.
Many people are thinking that the solution is not just give them food, but teach them how to take advantage os their own resources. For instance, if NGO's show them how to plant seeds, how to take note of which lands are better por cultivation and how to improve the water resources, then the problem would be in part solved.
Also it would be helpful for them to have warehouses to store and distribute the food to the different villages and towns.
To conclude, I think that with a little economic help from rich countries and many volunteers from NGO's, the problem would be at least partly solved.

Ana Carballo Pozo 2ºAB dijo...


Nowadays we can do whatever we want. We have invented almost eveything we need, futhermore we have invented unnecessary things.

But in my opinion, the most important invention is the mobile phone, however many people think that mobile phone is a terrible invention because it can be addictive. I disagree with that opinion, because while it's true that it can be addictive if you control yourself it doesn't have to become an addiction.
I think mobile phone is the most important invention because, firstly, with mobile phones you can be in touch with people who are not near to you. Secondly, you can use it as a camera, a computer, a TV, etc... And last but not least, tanks to mobile phone you can share pictures or moments of your life with the entire world.
In conclusion, the mobile phone is the most useful, amazing and smart thing we have ever invented.

Beniamin Santa 2ºAB dijo...


Nowadays there are many people in the major cities who like to have pets and keep them in their flats. Dogs, cats or even caged exotic birds, there are always people who like pets' company around.

And I can understand most of the reason of keeping pets around yourself: they can provide you company, some of them are incredibly adorable and, if you really wish to, you can train it (specially dogs) to do simple tricks and obey some commands.

Although I am not sure it's worth it, whatsoever. Pets can be a bit of a pain to sustain, since they need food which you're going to have to buy and, the worst of it all, you need to clean after it since it usually won't go to the toiled by itself.

Moreso, it may bother the neighbors too with the noise it might make.

In conclusion, I'd say having a pet is fine in a rural region, but in urban environment it's not that good of an idea.

Pablo Psichalis Ruiz 2ºAB dijo...


There are lots of different pets, such as dogs, cats, birds or even reptiles. But... Can they live in a flat? Will they be happy?

It depends. Firstly, the owner has to understand the pet, and be perfectly aware of its needs. Also, the owner must take it seriously before introducing a new pet in his life. Can I dedicate time to it? How will it affect my life and other's? Will it be happy living here?

Each pet has its own necessities. I do have a pet, specifically a kind of parrot. I make sure its cage is clean, it exercises almost everyday (getting out the cage), receives our attention and love, and receives natural light. And it behaves as it should; Neighbors have not complained (yet). But not everyone has the time or is informed enough, specially with dogs. Some people trains them wrongly, let them defecate anywhere or behave incorrectly. Some others have the dog at home almost all day. It can't be happy that way.

To sum up, you have to think before having a pet, and compromise to give the best of yourself to take care of it. With certain pets, after years of training you can have the most loyal friend you could imagine. In some cases, they can be happy living in a flat.

Unknown dijo...

María López Torres 2º Bach A


Nowadays Spain is going through a hard economical crisis so society is getting pessimistic and politicians are being critised, but this situation is ever worse, because the whole world is suffering a similar situation that we do not know where it will lead us.

Regardidng Spain, our politicians have been influential in this situation, and each political partys which has managed the country have been doing worse. So maybe it could be interesting to ask citizens what would they do to improve if they were important politicians.

In my opinion,if I were President, first thing I should do, is to dimiss many political positions that they are not required; then I would lower their wages included "mine" and I would pursue, find out and punish the whole corruption business located in my own party.

Finally, I would follow the political code of philosophers from Ancient Philosophy after Aristotle and Platon which is based on a humble and intelligent person as the governor. He or she has to know what citizens need to live in a rich and joust society, and he or she has to be more interesed in habitants necessities than his or her own power.

Beniamin Santa 2ºAB dijo...


A long time ago, while I was on vacation at my grandparents' house, something interesting happened to me.
I was taking a walk on the unpaved street just outside the house when at the corner of my eye I caught a glister between a couple of trash bags at the side of the walkway. I approached to investigate and found it was a reflection of sunlight dazzling off a broken hand mirror. The mirror itself was intact while the plastic handle was torn in a couple of places.
I took the mirror back and, with some tools provided by my grandfather and a bit of TLC, I managed to more or less repair the frame and glue the mirror back to it. The finished product was impressive; I had no idea how that beauty had made it's way to the trash but was I glad that I had found it.
Well, so much for it since five minutes later I dropped it on the concrete and the mirror itself broke this time. Seven years of bad luck it is, then!

Cristina Castro BLanco 2ºAB dijo...


In my opinion photographic memory is an excellent ability, and of course I would like to have it.
I remember when I was young that I studied very quickly and my marks were fantastic, so I think I used to have some photographic memory. Now, this has changed, but sometimes when I'm doing an exam, I can remember perfectly where the answer I'm writing in that moment was.
In conclusion, there are the great aspects of photographic memory, the time spent studying and that you are able to "see" the answer of a question in an exam. But the bad thing comes when your memory mixes answers, changes books' pages, and you can't see anything, like in winter mornings when you open the window and it's foggy.

Pablo Psichalis Ruiz 2ºAB dijo...


Well, I think I may have a strong photographic memory; In fact, I might be a super-recognizer. The thing is that this kind of memory can be useful. Here's why:
After I read something, I often remember how exactly the page where the text was looked like, specially if it had illustrations. This can come in handy in exams; Sometimes I remember the topic I'm going to talk about just because I have in my head how the page looked like... And that's linked to the content itself!
On the other hand, I might be a super-recognizer because I noticed that I tend to remember faces with accuracy. For some reason, I've recognized people in the street that I only saw once, years ago, and didn't even talk to them. Useful or not, it just happens.

Zahra Zendah dijo...

"Would you like to have a photographic memory?"

Having a photographic memory, might seem cool for many people, but personally I don't think that it's always a good thing.
I would't mind having a photographic memory during the exams week. I would love to, to be honest, it must be great to be able to remember everything easily and being able to remember the page of the book where the answer is, but this ability has also negative consequences. As if you want to forget about a specific moment about something you said or a person who has hurt you, you won't be able to, it is really hard for normal people to forget these things, but at least we end up forgetting. Meanwhile, people with photographic memory will never forget, because their special memory doesn't allow them to.
But also there is another fact that I should mention. These people, have an advantage, because they will never have to live that situation that us, the ones who do not own their memory, have been through many times. I'm talking about that embarrassing moment when someone starts talking to you and you do not even remember seeing them before. This happened to me many times with my parents' friends, whom I have only seen once or twice when I was a kid, and they come to me asking about my grades and my life, and I think who are you? and why does my life concern you? In that moment I wish I had a photographic memory.
In other words, I'm not sure if having a photographic memory is a good or a bad thing, and I'm not sure if I want to have one or not. The only thing that I'm sure of is that I want a controllable memory, which I can convert into a photographic one when necessary and into a normal one when I want to forget about something.

Beatriz Toledo 2ºAB dijo...


I love romantic films for their beautiful love story and for the idea that love conquers everything. It is about fighting for what you want and not letting anyone or anything stand in your way.
What I love the most about romantic films is how it exposition to the power of love and how people express through it. Love transforms the everyday things into something beautiful and extraordinary, into something magical. It’s like living inside a bubble, nothing else matters, there are no problems, just feelings.
That’s why I love romantic movies, for that invincible love, for that magnetic attraction and for those wonderful feelings that make you believe, it can become real.