martes, 30 de octubre de 2018

EvAU Compositions 2018-2019

1 comentario:

Alejandra Asensio Hernández 2ºAB dijo...

Despite the traditional belief that we have to get married and build up a family, which has been culturally approved since the very ancient societies; nowdays, it is becoming more and more popular to break with this and empower ourselves to build our families on our own.

On the one hand, finding true love is an experience that doesn't resemble to any other: no one would turn her or his back to falling in love, not only with their partner but also with their children (if they decide to have them). However, true love is hard to find, it takes effort: you will have to face up to some responsibilities and be willing to give up things. Needless to say, this type of love can't be found easily.

On the contrary, single life has other advantages: you will have freedom and independence. You will not get to learn about generosity and sympathy the same way. Instead, you will learn everything about yourself, who, at the end of the day, is the most important person of your life.

If I were to choose, I would probably choose single life, even though it may get lonely from time to time. Of course, if love knocks on my door I wouldn't reject it; but I'm one of those who think that everything isn't black, nor White, and you can have a taste of both in something as long and unpredictable as a lifetime is.