miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2019

EvAU Compositions 2019-20

Is it important to save traditions?

Could you live without traditions? I could not.We tend to forget them as the generations pass by. However, few people won´t thrill after recognising a homeland dish while travelling.
The traditions have an important position in our world. The truth is that a lot of us take part in traditions, up to the point of creating new ones , as having pizza for dinner every Friday. It seems that people and traditions can´t be separated.
Secondly, we must remember that national traditions are part of our past and identity.I strongly believe that supporting the traditional activities is shared obligation in order to preserve the cultural heritage.
Moreover, traditions are potential sources of income for local and national economy. Thousands of Jobs are created because of them and they attract tourism.
Nevertheless, some traditions are related to animal abuse and human mutilation. Despite the social concern, many of them are still maintained and even protected nowadays.
To sum up, I reckon every tradition that enriches the cultural diversity without causing any harm should be kept with proud, instead of being relegated to the History books.

Beatriz Rivera 2ºBB

18 comentarios:

Paloma Cucala dijo...

Would you like to live in a world with only artificial food?
Picture the future of our world. Setting aside the striking developments in science and technology and the dazzling improvements that are yet to come, we come across a planet slightly more socially advanced and with less poverty. Animals are no longer kept in captivity, which does not necessarily mean that meat is no longer eaten. No more fishing boats can be seen in the broad ocean nor cultivated fields on our extense lands. This may all seem far-fetched, questionable and challenging. Nonetheless, it is a path we are willing to take.
To set the wheels in motion, several companies have begun to develop artificial meat for citizens to eat. With just a plain cell, scientists are able to create a whole burger or steak out of it. Therefore, it is just a matter of time before the salads that we ingest have been grown in a laboratory as well. This gives our world of darkened foolishness a brighter future as not only will living things be left unharmed, but it will also reduce pollution, hunger and the excessive consumption of water.
In conclusion, it is my belief that were we to replace the food we eat with an artificial one, the world would undoubtedly be facing less problems. Therefore, the idea of living in a world with only artificial food is, indeed, an exceptional one.

Laura Macías dijo...


Humanitarian organisations play a crucial part when it comes to dealing with natural disasters or providing medical aid during wars.

However, it is said that these kinds of organisations have less importance than they used to. This belief is linked with the perception that wars don't happen as often, which is not entirely true. Moreover, some argue that the services these associations provide ought to be covered by the Government, as the payment of taxes should allow them to pay for the costs.

Nevertheless, humanitarian organisations not only thouroughly work to make this world a better place, but they also get no remuneration while doing so. Subsequently, the help provided by these cooperatives is utterly selfless, and this is the exhibit of how joint effort facilitates humankind to bear with the most challenging situations.

On the whole, we can all agree that the amazing labour humanitarian organisations carry out should not be looked upon, inspite of the fact some believe it should be acomplished by other means.

Laura Macías dijo...


The existence of aliens is a matter of discussion which generates a lot of controversy. Whereas it is said by many that aliens have been in our planet, and some even declare to have seen them, the vast majority of the population argue that there is not enough proof to support these statements.

Given the inmensity of the Universe, we can not neglect the possibility of extraterrestrial life, although it might not be as films depict it, but neither can we confirm the existence of these types of life as there is no evidence to support it.

However, the statements that defend that aliens have visited the Earth aree found by most far more difficult to believe. This is due to the lack of proof and the contradictions revolving around the so called aliens sightings. Moreover, those who claim to having been witnesses of such visits are regarded as attention-seekers or demented.

I reckon that the belief that aliens have been on Earth is quite unrealistic, as there has always been a rational explanation for what might have been given to back it up. Furthermore, I refuse to believe that aliens exist until there is solid evidence that say so.

Unknown dijo...


Whether extraterrestrial life has actually touched the soil of Earth has been a burning question for almost as long as humankind could look at the star-filled sky. Many claim that there is a possibility that this could have happened. But can we really be sure this is not just the plot of a science fiction film?

It can not be denied that the universe is big and we have not yet found evidence of intelligent extraterrestrial life. If it does exist, it may be far away. Besides, the universe it's infinite and yet we are not able to travel faster than the speed of light, so any trip by spaceship will take several years. That is to say that it's almost impossible for them to find the Earth.

On the other hand, it's egocentric not to consider the existence of aliens due to how huge the universe is. Perhaps, they once contemplated the Earth as a worthwhile destination and sent an expedition in order to know if our planet had the qualities which make life possible. If there is a chance that they were looking for intelligent life, they could have come when the Earth was deserted with no signs of human life.

To sum up, I lean towards saying no, on account of how big space is and how far away things are inside it. However, I respect everyone's opinion about this topic since we can't be sure due to the lack of evidence.

Reme Rodríguez Álvarez 2B BACH

Paloma Cucala dijo...

Do you think that aliens have ever been on Earth?
The idea that aliens have been present on Earth sometime over the past years is a spread belief over a vast number of naïve people. Movies paint them as wicked menacing creatures, evil shapeshifters who desire the eradication of mankind. Others say they´re charming greenish fellows that use spaceships to cut through outer space.
Regardless of the established stereotypes, science has a different view about what we refer to as “aliens”, which I happen to share. An extraterrestrial being is any living thing that has arrived at our planet from the ocean of emptiness that is space. There is no doubt that in the unlikely event that scientists discover life outside Earth, the revolutionary being would be a primordial bacteria from the earliest essential times. For an alien to step on Earth, an E.T. lookalike with an entirely developed complex nervous system would need to travel countless of millions of kilometres at the speed of light in order to arrive at our planet any time in the next thousand of years. Therefore, it is undeniable that the idea that aliens have ever been on Earth is beyond the wildest dreams.
Perhaps the reason why our fellow citizens claim they have seen dear E.T. is somewhere in between a desperate need of attention and the blessing of having a vivid imagination. It is either that or the monstrous void of their scientific culture. However, it is necessary to bear in mind that there is no evidence that strengthens my belief nor are there any facts that tell otherwise. Nonetheless, it is my opinion that there is no chance there has been alien life on Earth as no expert has spread the world-changing news of their existence.

susi dijo...

Do you think that aliens have ever been on Earth?
Aliens have been a controversial topic for years, and this topic has been being interesting in science fiction movies these last years. But in real life, we are not sure about their existence, because science has not any evidence. Although, who says that we cannot believe in aliens, maybe they have already visited us.
Many people support the idea that aliens exist. The Universe is something enormous and we do not know what is on the other side. Maybe light-years from our solar system, aliens are looking at us and we do not realize it.
Up to now, astronomers have confirmed the existence of thousands of planets that might have the conditions to support life as we know it. So why do we have to be the only living beings? We still have not advanced enough in technology, and perhaps that's why we have not seen any evidence yet.
To conclude, the Universe is endless and there are a lot of questions without answers that we should keep studying and trying to solve them, including the existence of aliens.

Laura Macías 2ºBB dijo...

Nowadays, we are starting to be more conscious about environmental issues and how our actions directly affect the planet. Our economic system, capitalism, which is based on the continuous production and comsumption of products generates tons of waste which are believed to be responsible for climate change.
In order to reduce the amount of waste produced we ought to not only consume more eco-friendly products, but also recycle the products that are not.
Even though recycling is regarded as hard and a waste of time, the slights inconveniences it can cause you are outweighted by the impact it can make when it comes to protecting nature.
Moreover, giving a second life to the objects we use in our day to day lives helps humankind to live in a more sustainable way, reducing the waste and pollution linked to certain industries.
All in all, our days of thoughtless consumerism are said to be over. A change in our lifestyle in order to become more respectful of the environment is due, and this change relies mostly on recycling.

Laura Macías 2ºBB dijo...

Nowadays, big brands have monopolized almost every market leaving nearly no space for small independent businesses. However, the creation and expansion of such companies is linked to their product's demands, so why do we, especially teens, are so hooked on buying from the same shops as everyone else?
It is said that this way of consuming is most usual amongst teenagers. This may be due to the fact that during teenage years, kids are desperate to fit in, and if a company sells a piece of clothing everyone loves and wears, they are more likely to end up buying it.
Moreover, the obsession with brands, especially expensive ones, can be explained through the way society is built around money. Those with money are regarded as more successful an happier, and if a brand promises to give youu that distinction and to force people to aknowledge your wealth their products are bound to be more desirable.
To sum up, even though the elitistic and senseless need to buy from brand names affects everyone, teens are more likely to act upon these principles when going shopping.

Laura Macías 2ºBB dijo...

Sales have become increasingly common in our way of consuming. Christmas, Valentine's day, Black Friday...Every ocassion seems fit for a discount, and it is always exciting to come across a great bargain. However we must ask ourselves who do these discounts actually benefit.
Contrary to popular belief, sales are not as beneficial to costumers as one might think. buyers reportedly consume way more than they expected during these so called sales periods, buying unnecesary items and consequently being reckless with their money, spending more than they ought to.
On the other hand, shops' earnings thrive due to sales. Their income increases rapidly leading companies to make up for what could have been a bad year of sales. Certain establishments depend on how much they can sell while costumers are blinded by the 50% off signs that indicate discounts which more often than not, are not as thruthfull as they seem.
All in all, I believe without any doubt that sales are far more advantageous for companies than they are for consumers, or else why whould shops promote them?

Santiago Lamas dijo...

Sales arrival to shops makes an incredible impact on nowadays society. People's shopping spirit awakes and, before you realise it, shops are full of customers purchasing wildly every kind of products. The aim of the sales is to create a mutual benefit between customers and shops but, is it really beneficial in the same way for both parts?
On the one hand, we have to keep in mind that bargains currently are seen as unique events, so when they come, people tend to make the most of them. This causes in customers the deceptive need of buying plenty of products that they might not need, just because it seemed ridiculous not to buy them at those prices. What's more, it has been proven that most of the times product prices aren't lower than they were before the sales, so the costumer ends up getting the same product at the same cost. Meanwhile, the company makes a huge benefit and get rid of the non-sold products at the same time.
On the other hand, it is true that people who have self-control wouldn't necessarily have to have any problems with consumerism and could make the sales something profitable for them.
All in all, in both cases I believe that shops end up taking the lead over costumers, who everytime the ocassion comes are ready for emptying their pockets recklessly until they drop.

Beatriz Rivera 2B Bachillerato dijo...


The concern about animal cruelty is a reality and many people is currently becoming aware of the terrible conditions in which animals live and die. Spain is not an exception in this case.

Nowadays, not only animals used for nourishment, but also others as dogs and bulls, whose destiny is breeding out of control or the death, suffer from abuse and explotation, in many cases because the owners profit from them or don´t care about their health.
In Spain, animal cruelty is a very important issue because it´s everywhere. In spite of the laws and regulations, there are a lot of things to change still. Some ways of animal abuse appear disguised as traditions of cultural relevance, whereas other cultural activities, less harmful, are being ignored and lost, since they aren´t sources of income.
Although the modifications in the way animals are treated probably would affect the economy at some point, it doesn´t have to be a negative change, as some defenders of animal explotation could say. In fact, I think the change would also have an impact in our minds and our perception of the world.

To sum up, it seems to me that cruelty against animals is common in Spain, and I reckon that improving the quality of animals´lifes we would be healthier, physically and mentally, because we would had acknowledged that other living beings are important too.

Anónimo dijo...


Noawadays, we are very concerned about how we look and if we would be liked by others. Fashion has become an important part of our lives and people should admit that brand-name clothes are quite a temptation, specially for the youngest ones.

First of all, brands are symbols of quality and success, mostly because publicity shows us experts, famous people and skilled sport players recommending brand-name products. We feel we are closer to being like them by using the same articles, or maybe we think we improve our efficiency and look profesional.
Of course, there is also a bit of showing off. We won´t may like it but buying things from an expensive brand is a way to let the rest know how much money can you afford to pay for acquiring fashionable things. It doesn´t happen with other types of products, as food for example. Sometimes we are even glad of finding housebrand products, usually much cheaper.
I think that all is somehow related in the end with the need of restating the personality and gaining the approval of the group in young people. We all end up buying the same things in the same places, and following the trends is usually a good way to fit in and feel accepted.

In my opinion, teenagers give brands great importance(sometimes too much)and suffer the consequences. But I reckon that this has its origins in the age and the particular phase of the life we are talking about, and it´s okay being like that. I bet we won´t care about brands that much as adults.

Beatriz Rivera dijo...


Going shopping is always a good way to cheer up and give yourself a treat, but is even better if you don´t have to spend all the money you thought you would. Nowadays we can find bargains almost everywhere, anytime of the year. So, who makes the most of this deal?

On the one hand, it´s common among fashion stores to take advantage of the sales for getting rid of old-fashioned and unsuccessful clothes, or maybe to practice the unfair competition. Shops usually prepare themselves for sales for months, so they can obtain the benefit they want.
On the other hand, these discounts allow customers to save a lot of money in most of the cases, which is the main reason why the sales are successful. What is more, we can use the money we saved for buying more items or simply keeping it for avoiding posible struggles in the future.

As I see it, the clothing shops have the stressful task of recovering the invested money and facing the competitive prices of other stores, while we just have to go there and pick up what ever we like. So yes; all in all, we make the best deal.

Paloma Cucala dijo...

Do you think that aliens have ever been on Earth?

The idea that a aliens have ever been present on Earth sometime over the past years is a spread belief over a vast number of naïve people. Movies paint them as wicked creatures, evil shapeshifters who desire the eradication of mankind. Others say they´re cute greenish monsters that use spaceships to cut through outer space.

Regardless of the established stereotypes, science has a different view about what we refer to as “aliens”, which I happen to share. An extraterrestrial being is a living thing that has arrived at our planet from the ocean emptiness that is space. There is no doubt that in the unlikeable event that scientists discover life outside Earth, the revolutionary being would be a primordial bacteria from the earliest essential times. For an aliens to step on Earth, an ET lookalike with an entirely developed complex nervous system would need to travel countless of millions of kilometres at the speed of light in order to arrive at our planet anytime in the next thousand years. Therefore, it is undeniable that the idea that aliens have ever been on Earth is beyond the wildest dreams.

Perhaps the reason why our fellow citizens claim to have seen dear ET is somewhere in between a desperate cry of attention and the blessing of having a vivid imagination. It is either that or the monstrous void of their scientific culture. However, it is necessary to bear in mind that there is no evidence that strengthens my belief nor are there any facts that tell otherwise. Nonetheless, it is my opinion that there is no chance that there has ever been life on Earth, as no scientist has yet spread the world-changing news of their existence.

Paloma Cucala dijo...

Who do you think benefits more from discount shopping, customers or shops?

Discounts are a good deal. That fancy shirt you had your eyes on for so long is not as costly now. So, you purchase it. Of course, such ana opportunity is are and one wouldn’t like to waste it. Thus, along with the shirt goes a series of pieces of clothing and that much needed latest phone.
Undoubtedly, sales seem to benefit customers the most. What could possibly be better than finally getting what you desire at a considerably lower price? Unless, of course, the situation is looked at through rose-tinted glasses.
Turns out that these alluring temptations that bewitch shoppers into being drawn towards those magnetic deals, are snatching the capital out of their bank accounts, as keenly as water leaks between one`s fingers, despite the desperate attempts of restraining its leave in our firm grip. So, the real question lies here. If the targeted audience isn’t gaining advantages, that fitting façade is just a charming scenery hides behind its altruistic grace the one-and-only goal: obtaining money. Since these world-renowned companied set the bedrocks of their business in third-world countries at the cost of poverty-stricken locals, and citizens are being bitten by the shopping bug during these times of the year, their income is vast.
One thing is clear: a business will never lose wealth, regardless of how humanitarian their actions may seem. Therefore, it is my opinion that, beyond a shadow of doubt, shops gains more benefits that customers will ever do.

Unknown dijo...

Some of the most famous paintings belong to private collections. Should they be taken to museums so that everyone could enjoy them?
Some could say that culture is the footprint that the man leaves over the centuries. Nowadays It´s a core component in our society, not only due to It´s historical meaning but also because It gives people the chance to express themselves without words.
It is important to say, that letting the high-class keep the most famous paintings would be unfear for the rest of the population that also has the right to admire art but can´t afford such prizes. Besides, art enhances our creativity and lets us see the world in another perspective, a more authentic and emotive one, that the real world can´t provide. Furthermore, unless people aren´t given the opportunity to learn from the paintings, society will become illiterate, as art is related to our history from which we are bound to learn from with the purpose of not making the same mistakes and continue our further studies.
On the other hand, money is needed in order to preserve the paintings in good condition and as a way to accomplish that goal the Estate should invest money in the cause, building museums and building other facilities such as organizing art exhibitions. However, whether the Government does not perform this way, privatizing art could be the only method of preventing it from being damaged because of time, as the rich ones are able to take care of them with the special treatment that requires this kind of paintings.
To sum up, paintings are too significant for us to keep them in personal collections giving the cold shoulder to the majority of the population who also wants to admire the master pieces.


Susi dijo...

what kind of expedition would you like to go on?
If I could make an expedition, I would go to Iceland and Greenland. They are in the north, and both of them are islands. Some of the trip companies offer excursions that last for two weeks, and I would be definitely up for it.

First of all, one of my most desired dreams is to watch northern lights, so I would sign up for any trip to Iceland, Norway or wherever to observe it. Besides, you can venture by Zodiac cruise and Kayak into fjords, and during the journey, you can discover their stunning peaks, vibrant blue seas, and glittering icebergs. Moreover, we can spot wildlife creatures with guides, such as the iconic polar bears of the Arctic, arctic foxes and more.

However, this daydream trip to these snow-blanketed landscapes could be too expensive, because of being such an enduring expedition, the prices mostly expensive. Besides, if you´re used to be in warm temperatures, this is not a good destiny for you, Arctic zones hit over -30ªC. But in a good perspective, I think it would be a great expedition to make at least once in a lifetime, and it would worth it.

Unknown dijo...


Our world is full of beautiful places waiting for us to be visited. Some people prefer other hobbies rather than travelling, such as fishing or dancing. Another way of looking at the planet, is as a house where each room belongs to a country. Following this reasoning, one question comes to mind, would you stay in the bedroom all your life?
Expeditions can be dangerous but they are always worth it. For instance, one of the most wonderful one is a trip to Iceland. Once there, you are able to admire the geysers and waterfalls found in its environment. Besides, there are more highlights included in this experience, such as exploring an ice cave or hiking on the glacier. Not only can you enjoy this wide range of activities, but also you are given the opportunity to take a second to realize how gorgeous life can be by hunting for the northern lights, the Aurora Borealis.
All in all, If I were to choose the best kind of expedition I would without any doubt pick the ones including the possibility to explore stunning natural landscapes while doing sport.
Reme Rodríguez