jueves, 15 de octubre de 2020

 EvAU Compositions 2020-2021

16 comentarios:

Elvira Mateos (2ºBB) dijo...

Is it important to save traditions?
Traditions have been important all over the years, they are even the foundation of many cultures around the word. For this reason, we could think that is very important saving them, but I think that some of them are really sexist and painful, especially in African cultures.
In many of these cultures we can find harmful traditions such us ablation, where women are stripped of their sexual desire through a very dangerous operation in unsanitary conditions that cause many infections, but, even so, this also happens sometimes with men in some tribes.
There are also traditions not as painful but sexist, for example, lip plates, they are clay plates that they fit at women’s lips and they have to wear it for the rest of their lives due to aesthetic reasons, as well as in other ones it is having a long neck and women get hoops on their necks to lengthen them.
All in all, luckily many of these traditions have been banned by governments, but even if they sound macabre to us we have to understand that for many people they are part of their culture and they don’t know how harmful they can become.

Cristina Pesquera (2ºCB) dijo...


Traditions have always been a really important aspect in our lives because with them we have funny activities to do or we just have moments with our family and friends.

For example, that´s what happens with Christmas. The 25th of December of each year, we go to have lunch with our family for Christmas day and we have presents from Santa Claus. If we didn´t have this tradition, we wouldn´t have that really exciting moment of opening our presents or just being with our family having a good time.
As well as those traditions that everyone does, since I was like six years old, I have one tradition with my little sister. Every 1st of January we write a letter to each other saying all the good and bad things of the year and how can we make better the year that it´s coming.
For me, besides the funny and nostalgic thing, traditions make the culture of each country even if some of them don´t represent all the country, like bullfighting that, in my opinion, is not a good tradition.

In brief, traditions should be saved only if they have good consequences as it happens with Christmas, and not bad ones like bullfighting where people can have fun, but bulls end dying.

Claudia Gil (2º BB) dijo...


Throughout history, humans have created multiple things to fix adversities that might come across our life. We've invented many different items, from wheels to fridges, passing through selfie-sticks. But all of these creations have a common ancestor, fire.

Although fire is more a discovery than an invention the control of this was a turning point in the technological evolution of human beings. It provided a source of warmth, protection from predators, a way to create more advanced hunting tools, and a method for cooking food, which allowed us to develop our brains. These cultural advances allowed human geographic dispersal, cultural innovations, and changes in diet and behavior. Additionally, controlling fire, allowed the human activity to continue into the dark and colder hours of the evening.

Fire basically created culture, but it also helped us to get to inventions such as electricity or computers, which are essential nowadays. I can't even imagine life without my computer, and I'm sure any of us couldn't. That's why I think that fire is the most revolutionary invention.

Clara Cintado (2ºBB) dijo...


Personally, I think choosing the most revolutionary invention for mankind is very difficult. Although, there are a large amount of majestic inventions, from my point of view, technological inventions provided us with a "before and after" in the history of humanity's designs.

As I mentioned before, there are probably better inventions for mankind, such as the automobile, light bulb or telephone. The truth is that the majority of the inventions need electricity to operate.

On the one hand, without electricity we couldn't communicate with anybody because in order to use the telephone or the Internet, electricity is necessary.We couldn't use the basic electrical appliances such as the microwave, washing machine or public transport. These are only some examples to show that nowadays we wouldn't know how to live without the use of electricity.

To sum up, I would say that electricity is basic in our lives. As a result of electricity's invention, other new important inventions have been created. Electricity has made the world into what we know today. Can we imagine the world without electricity?

Ana Bueno (2ºCB) dijo...


It is very hard to determine which is the most revolutionary invention for mankind, because there are a lot of great ones, but if I had to choose one, it would probably be the internet.

Firstly, I have picked the internet because it is a discovery that has changed completely everything about the way we do things. It is used by almost everyone everyday, and it definetly influences the majority of our actions. It also makes communicating with your loved ones almost inmediate and it helps us to acquire knowledge that helps us with our work.

Even though the internet is great and it has a lot of advanteges, it can also lead to bad behaviur and mischief, which can be caused by a bad use of it. Another disadvantege is that it is very addicting, so this can cause problems with the people around us, and it can also make us waste time.

In conclusion, I would say that this invention is really important and it can help us on a daily basis. It has definetly made an impact in society and changed our surroundings to make this world a better place.

Clara Cintado 2°BB dijo...

Do you think it is important to recycle?

Nowadays, due to several environmental catastrophes which have happened in these last years, people have seen the importante of taking care of our planet. It is a fact that plastic waste is having devastating effects on the environment and on wildlife. In my opinion, recycling would be the first step to rebuild the Earth.

It is true that it may seem that sometimes recycling is laborious but we must think about all the advantages it has. Recycling is important because several natural resources are preserved. Recycled materials use less energy than extracting, processing, and transporting raw materials to make new products. Finally, it helps to reduce the pollution caused by waste. I could spend hours and hours talking about the importante of recycling, but what is truly important is that we should raise awareness of all of its environmental profits.

All in all, I can admit that recycling may sound boring but as well as we invest time in unimportant tasks,recycling doesn't take much time. Being conscious about it could make a big change in our planet.

Ana Bueno (2ºCB) dijo...

Do you think it is important to recycle?

I definetly think it is really important to recycle, even though a lot of people don´t care about it.

First of all, the amount of space avaible in waste dumps is limited, so the more we recycle, the less waste will end out there. Also, reusing materials saves energy which means less pollution will be sent out into the atmosphere. As a consequence the carbon footprint will be reduced, which means global warning will advance more slowly.

Secondly, we must consider that the first step forwards recycling begins at home. Therefore, we must separate all different types of waste, that is paper, food, leftovers, glass, plastic and cans. It is true that some people are irresponsible and they throw away everything into the same rubbish bin, even though they know that, by doing that, by doing this, they are harmming the environment.

In conclusion, from my point of view, it is essential to recycle as much as we can. Besides, it is not hard to do, you just need to be a little bit organised.

Anónimo dijo...

Cristina Pesquera(2ºCB)

Remembering everything that happened in our lives with all the details is something that almost everyone would like to have. In my opinion, having a photographic memory can sometimes not be that good, but it would be great for most things.

For example, having a photographic memory can help for studies. When I start studying, I always do some paints and underline words with colors because doing this can help me in the exam for remembering in an easier way.
Having a photographic memory can also help for remembering people that you would always want to remember like your parents or grandparents.

On the other hand, it can be bad for example when you come across with someone and you remember who are them, but they doesn´t know who you are and it´s an uncomfortable situation, or when you remember when you broke your arm with all the details and it´s like being there again and having a bad time again.

To sum up, I would say that I would love to have a photographic memory, even with all the bad things that came with it, because everything that happened to you have make you be the person you are today, and remembering things that you did wrong with all the details can also help for not making the same mistakes.

Pablo Urquía (2ºB Bach) dijo...


Sales are a great opportunity for both customers and shops. Customers get discounts and shops usually sell more products.

Discounts are very beneficial for customers since they get the products they wanted to buy in a first place with a lower price. Provided that the discounts are real and not a marketing trick.

Discounts are also a great opportunity for shops: they get to attract more customers than usual and to “get rid” of products which are outdated or out of season. That’s why the sales are usually on the change of seasons; and the products that have a discount aren’t trendy anymore.

In my opinion, who gets more benefit from discounts are customers. I think that nobody forces customers to buy the products. When I buy something with a discount is because I see an opportunity, but after all it is something that I had been thinking of buying before. From my point of view, it is beneficial for both shops and customers, but it is customers like me who benefit more: customers who don’t mind buying products out of season.

Pablo Urquía (2º B Bach) dijo...


There are inventions that have changed the course of History. Such as the writing, which marked the end of Prehistory and the start of History, or more recently the invention of vaccines. Despite all these great inventions, I consider that general anaesthesia is the most revolutionary invention for mankind.

General anaesthesia was invented in 1804 by Hanaoka Seishū, a Japanese surgeon from the Edo period. The story behind its discovery is astonishing and it’s narrated in a book called "The Doctor’s wife". Hanaoka had a sister who had breast cancer. Doctors had to amputate her breasts. In the process she suffered a lot and, at the end, she died. The death and suffering of his sister traumatized Hanaoka and obsessed him with the idea of inventing a drug that inhibited from pain. After lots of years of investigation, he had a result. When Hanaoka had a prototype, he needed to test it in humans. Both his wife and his mother volunteered.

The importance of anaesthesia is enormous. Just imagine how any simple operation would be without it. Before its discovery the simple extraction of a molar was a traumatic experience. Apart from making pain disappear, anaesthesia has also allowed to make more complicated operations.

In conclusion, I believe anaesthesia is the most revolutionary invention for mankind because without it people would suffer a lot during operations and many medical advances wouldn’t have been possible.

Elvira Mateos (2ºBB) dijo...


The majority of the most famous paintings have belonged to private collections of rich people. This has been happening since art existed. In the Renaissance in Italy appeared the “mecenate” who were rich people that sponsored artists but they keep some masterpieces.

Owning an important painting means that you have a lot of money and sponsoring an important artist shows that you are very powerful. Unfortunately, it seems that proving your wealth is more important than promoting art and culture.

In the other hand, there are "meneante” such as the Medici who really appreciate art. They have sponsored a lot of artists and they ever found a public museum. At the Ufizzi Gallery we can watch thousands of beautiful paintings. Even potential artists can get inspired at it.

In my opinion, rich people who really appreciate art deserve having their own private collection. After all, they have paid for it. As well as if I buy a book it is mine and I don’t have to donate to a public library. So, if I don’t donate my book, why should rich people donate their paintings to public museums?

Clara Cintado 2°BB dijo...

Nowadays, society invests plenty of time using technological devices. It is a very controversial topic because depending on the person, technology would help save time or not.

On the one hand, one of the most important goals of technology, has been to save time doing tasks. Many university studies have demonstrated that employees waste hours and hours performing tasks that technology could easily carry out. It is a fact that thanks to a variety of technological devices, such as computers, smartphones or the Internet, our day turns into a productive one. According to the latest polls, the majority of people confirm technology saves them a lot of time.

On the other hand, technology can also be a waste of time since there are people that instead of using it as a tool for saving time, they waste their time playing with videogames or in social media. It is important to highlight that videogames or social media do not have to be bad, but spending a lot of time with them could make us to lose time.

All in all, I feel technology could be both of them. Depending on the way you decide to use it, it will help you save time or not. Technology has many applications and if we are able to take advantage of them, our daily life could be more productive.

Anónimo dijo...

Diego Conde 2CB

Who do you think benefits more from discount shopping, customers or shops?

First of all we need to know what a discount is and when it is applied. A discount is a reduction in the price of a product, normally applied in shopping seasons such as Black Friday or Christmas to sell as much as possible.

At firs, you may think that discounts benefit the customers but the more attention you pay the more you realize that this is just a marketing strategy to get rid of the products nobody wants, or selling more in general.Many shops increase their prices bejore peak season and then lower them making people think the got an absolute bargain.
The seasons when everything has a discount are made up to trick our minds. Chistmas season is probably the one in which the most amount of money is spent, and marketing geniouses decided to lower the prices after Christmas in order to trick people into spending more money.

In conclusion, discounts benefit way more shops than customers, furthermore they even trick customers that they are the ones getting the benefits and making them think they purchased an awesome product, which tehy generally do not even need.

Gema Jiménez Gómez 2ºBB dijo...


It is very common for stores to have sales to encourage customers to buy, they have even created special days or periods of time for sales such as Black Friday, Blue Monday or Christmas sales.

On the one hand, if companies were not making a profit with sales, they wouldn´t reduce the price of their products. Consumers think that the only intention of companies is to make money and that they are secondary to them.
On the other hand, thanks to the sales people can afford to buy more, or simply being able to buy something that was previously high priced. Although, sometimes we buy more than we need when the price is too low.

In my opinion, it is the big companies who benefit from the sales, because customers buy more thinking it is a bargain. Sales are just marketing strategies to make money.

Gema Jiménez Gómez 2ºBB dijo...


Technology has certainly changed our lives, some people think for the worse and some people think for the better. I think it is a very controversial topic, but technology has helped us in many ways to save a lot of time.

On the one hand, we have become accustomed to using the internet for everything, as a form of entertainment with series, films...; as a way of socialising with social networks. Often internet consumption gets out of hand and we don´t know when to stop. This problem mainly affects teenagers, although many adults are also addicted.

On the other hand, technology has made our lives much easier, complex jobs that used to take a lot of time can now be done by a machine in a few minutes.
In addition, technology allows us to have faster contact between people, it takes just a few seconds to send a whatsapp and recive a reply.

In conclusion, I belive that we cannot deny that the internet has been agreat advance for our society, but it is very important to use it correctly. Everything in excess ends up being bad.

Ana Bueno (2ºCB) dijo...


Nowadays we buy many more than we used to in the past. There are a lot of people who enjoy shopping and when there are discounts they tend to splurge their money in shops.

On the one hand, discounts attract new customers to the shop and they help stores gain visibility, and they are good for clearing out old stock. Discounts are also great for customers because they are able to buy at a cheaper price.

On the other hand, paying less money sounds really attractive so customers might just purchase things because they simply want a good bargain, and they are probably never going to use them.

All in all, discounts have both great things and not so great ones, so if I had to choose. I would say that in the end shops profit more from these discounts, because during this time they tend to make a huge number of sales and the gain more money